
happy thanksgiving

so if you haven't heard, he's here. little squealy wyatt decided he wanted thanksgiving dinner, too, so the floodgates opened and on friday november 4th at 1:18am he appeared. magically almost. i remember saying, "i can't do this" repeatedly and "this is ridiculous" once he was out. other than that, the pain of contractions and the frustration at the stalling tactics of my husband as well as my good friend and nurse kelly to get me an epidural stand out.

and then there's wyatt. having never done this before, it's all so fun and different. and he gets cuter every day. unfortunately the pictures don't do him justice. needless to say, eveything he does is amazing and cute and requires both of us to watch his every move. well, except when he's sleeping. which is a lot.

so thanks all friends and family for your prayers. it was god's grace that brought wyatt here safely, quickly and in good health. you are a blessing and we pray wyatt will be a blessing to you. family is good.


Jack McDoer said...

congrats, again.

Andy Michael said...

Congratulations guys! We are so happy for you guys.

My boy, being the biggest, will watch out for all the new babies.

chris and diane said...

way to go, leah! you've joined the ranks of those who have actually pushed a baby out of their body. not a small feat. :) your baby is adorable. i'm so happy for you guys!!!

Galadriel Thompson said...

I already love Wyatt like crackerjacks and I'm sure he will taste even better dipped in ranch! Leah, you are a beautiful momma and Tommy I guess you aren't so bad looking as a dad: ) Love you guys.

Anonymous said...

nice little d==k and balls on him