
i've been informed by maasen that i need to blog more. i'm sorry. things are busy (i can use that excuse for at least the next five, probably six, years.)


stephanie and jack ( ) came over for supper the other night. when did i start calling it supper? my parents don't call it supper. tom doesn't call it supper. ever since wyatt started understanding my words, though, i've called it supper. i like it. it feels very comfortable. check out the definitions. this proves my point on the comfort level. look at the third definition for "dinner". table d what?

1. the evening meal, often the principal meal of the day.
2. any light evening meal, esp. one taken late in the evening: an after-the-theater supper. –adjective
3. of or pertaining to supper: the supper dishes.
4. for, during, or including supper: a supper party.

1. the main meal of the day, eaten in the evening or at midday.
2. a formal meal in honor of some person or occasion.
3. table d'hôte.

maybe some day you'll be invited to a supper party over here. but for now, it was steph and jack's turn. we ate and talked, tried to get wyatt awake to play with little success, and once the kiddos were settled in, we talked some more. i went to high school with both stephanie and jack and we have some serious history together. i like to think that when the three of us get together it's getting even with tom about all his talk of high school with, well, almost everyone.

this time it was about ten year reunions. jack had his this summer. steph and i are next summer. we're not going. it's been decided. there's very little reason to go back to see people you didn't keep in touch with so you can pretend you have the energy to talk to people you really don't have the energy to talk with again.

don't get me wrong, i like running into people every now and again. but i lack the real social graces of most people, and if it weren't for tom, more situations would be awkwardly avoided then confronted. you may talk to everyone you can, at any given opportunity, but for steph and me, it's just hard. and more often than not, painful. every now and again we'll run into people we're curious about and give it the ol' heave ho, but usually no. we'll hide behind clothes racks or avoid eye contact or have fake conversations on our cell phones just to not talk. this is the way we are. this is why we are still friends. this is probably also why we married men like jack and tom. it's a balancing act.

so here's a funny story. (before i continue, i can hear tom saying, "ouch! that must have hurt!" when i say "ran into" i don't mean literally. c'mon.) stephanie ran into an old high school friend (actually someone we both have known since elementary school) who ran into someone else from high school in the bathroom of a restaurant. this girl who walked in and saw our old elementary school friend was so excited. "kerry pritchard!(not her real name) i'm so happy to see you!" she exclaimed. "jen cross. i feel completely neutral about seeing you." yup. don't ask me what happened after that. imagine it yourselves. rude, yes. but pretty funny all the same.


Anonymous said...

that story about feeling completely neutral about seeing somebody and then verbalizing it - wow. if only i had that kind of courage.


Susan said...

Really, the blatant honesty is refreshing. Think of the possibilities.

Tom and Leah said...

i knew we were kindred spirits. that one christmas at jack stack when we all sat with each other and didn't socialize with the rest of the family, that was real connection for me. thanks guys.