
There's a lot to update you on, mostly just little odds and ends.

I will start with the patio chairs. Tom did not like the white arms so he spray painted those and then we assembled the chairs. They spent some time in our living room and got a lot of use before we moved them to the sunporch for Winter. We look forward to many evenings enjoying the glider on the front patio. The irony of the glider is that Tom only wanted to get it, and no individual chairs. Maasen insisted (correctly) that we get some individual seating since sharing the glider with Tom seemed a bit awkward. Apparently Big Cassie feels the same way about sharing the two-seater.

This is Tom telling Maasen he's waiting to share the glider with her, just to make her feel awkward. Not really...
Thanks Gigi and Papo for a great patio set. I'm looking forward to Tom finishing the little chairs so it's complete. Oh, and some sunshine and flowers.


Cassidy sleeps the last hour or so in bed with us on a somewhat regular basis, and with Tom being gone it's no different. Yesterday morning as we were cuddling and talking I noticed she had the hiccups. I asked her, "Where did you get those hiccups?"

She looked at me, unflinchingly, and said, "From Maasen. She had free samples."