

Meet 'Faith', a cute street cat with no eyes. Believe it or not, she's one of the less-skiddish cats around. Most of them stare at you till you get close and then dash off like you're after their kibble. But let's be honest, they don't have any kibble, unless it's Shabbat. And then nice old ladies leave some out on the sidewalk. All creatures great and small, right?

If we weren't so allergic and she wasn't so sketchy we might just adopt her.


Carlye said...

Oh my. I love her. I would take allergy meds just to have her around. :)

cass said...

I love her! Bring her to me as a souvenir :)
Yes all creatures great & small! The L-rd loves them all!

justjess said...

Oh, she is pretty sweet. I think sometimes the L-rd gives us extra love for those that need it...it's unexplained but it's there.