
lauren's update has inspired me. good work bringing life back to the blogosphere, lauren. we needed some fresh blood around here.

i'm coming to grips with the teeter-totter life i have. things get done in increments: change the wash to the dryer but fold the clothes tomorrow, post a thought but read everyone else's blogs next weekend, jot a reminder but cross it off next month. it hit me when i heard wyatt start to stir and cassie start to get cranky. as soon as one goes to sleep, the other gets up.

instead of a box of chocolate my life resembles a loaf of bread -- a little work here, a little work there, in a couple of hours i've accomplished something.


Lauren Blake said...

I like the bread symbolism I can relate, even though I've never made bread by hand I can picture the process.

Lauren Blake said...

p.s. I like the new look the coffee mug and wood table gives it a warm yet classic look!

justin & jacklynn said...

love the pic as well! ahhh...the life of a mother...and what great mothers (meaning you and lauren)you are!

Anonymous said...

i connected with the jot a reminder ... cross it off next month (or year).


Aaron 'The Batman' Schwartz said...

I just now noticed what you've named the link to my blog, and can I just say that such an affluent pop culture reference cannot go without the highest praise!? You rule. Unquestionably. Anyone who comes to my blog will be immediately directed to your blog, where, if they are at all interested and probably won't be, they can click on "in the pale moonlight" to get to my crappier blog. I am such a nerd, but I can't hide the excitement. Again, you are the coolest.