
Tom hasn't had work for the last month and though he's been working diligently on his thesis about the New Covenant, the doer in him needs a break from the computer. He looked on Craig's List and found some sand and flagstone and decided to build a patio. He had some amazing help from Sam, the handiest man I know next to Tom (Neighbor Jim doesn't count) and they pounded it out in about a week. Here are some photos from along the way. 
The dirt pit.
Leveling out the dirt pit.
After the gravel was poured. This was our one big expense, about $30.
They have laid the stone and put sand in between each but it's still setting so I will wait a few more days to post the final product. We are on the look out for chairs, hoping Big Trash Day will provide some great finds. With Big Cass and Sam on the look out, and Maasen to help I think we should have some success.

I'm thankful for Sam and the silliness he brings out in Tom. The stress in our house is so thick but having people around that can make us laugh helps a lot. If it was easier to post videos I would post one that goes along with this photo of Sam and Tom on the board. They were shuffling around like dorks. It would make you laugh, trust me.


Maeret said...

I love the matching overalls.

cass said...

I was going to comment on the cuteness of the matching bibs. Too bad sam didn't have his denim ones that day.

Kait said...

cant wait to see it!

Carlye said...

nice! hope you enjoy your new patio!

Lauren Blake said...

I would love to see the video.. could use a good laugh these days too...
(I have decided to just use u tube to post videos at least I know that way after the long wait it will actually post)