
Upon Completion

We are nearing the finish line with Tom's thesis on the New Covenant and it is wonderful. I love that he put together articulately so many things we've journeyed through in the last few years. I hope you all look forward to reading it, because it's worth it!

AND... we are also getting ready to launch our new blog for our ministry, Remember Jerusalem. Perhaps you haven't heard (and if you haven't you might want to check your connections, since news typically travels FAST) but we are planning on spending some time in Israel to become equipped for what the L-rd wants for us. "Some time" means a year, methinks, perhaps a little longer. Whatever it turns out to be we are thrilled to be moving into this new season. The L-rd is faithful and the idea of us partnering as Gentiles with Jews lights a fire within both of us. We are in the final stages of setting up our non-profit ministry and could really use some serious prayer that this moves quickly and according to G-d's plan. It seems a little out there, but we are still praying about leaving this fall, perhaps September/October. If it doesn't happen by then we know that January is our launching time. Again, we need one small push in the direction of finalization and then we're full speed ahead.

I know, lots of you are thinking, "Oh my goodness! When did this happen?" Well, rest assured there will be more details, here and on the new blog, so check back. We will keep it very updated on our lives and our learnings. We are excited about what G-d is doing; it's a dramatic move on His part and it renews our hope every day. Thank you for your prayers for our lives. We know He is at work in part because of your intercession.

Now go enjoy the heat. Unless you live in one of those cool places...Don't worry, we're sweating for you.


Kait said...

can't wait to read it! can wait for you to go. : /

but my heart is filled with anticipation for you.

jdmartin said...

Wow. Wow. Wow. Blessings to you. We MUST see each other before you leave - please? Life would be unbearable if I don't get to see your smiles...

Allison said...

Until today I have been one of those people living in a 'cooler' place. Bowen basically had no summer. I loved it.

I'm looking forward to reading Tom's thesis, and staying updated on your upcoming adventure.

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited for you guys; what an adventure! I'm sure you have your own connections, but if you're looking for more, I know a great family who have made Aliyah a couple years ago. They have a B&B (http://www.jerusalemhillsinn.com/) in Jerusalem.

I'd really be interested in reading Tom's thesis.

And I appreciate you sweating for us; I still wear a sweatshirt in the early mornings and evenings. :)

Carlye said...

About the heat: we are doing our best. It can be draining though!

About you guys: I so look forward to all your journeys, but I am a teensy bit hopeful we get to spend some time with you this fall. I'm just sayin'. ;) But here's to HIS will for you, cause that's always best!

Kait said...

listening to "jerusalem" by ...m.yahu

could you please integrate that song into your new blog or promotional efforts? maybe we could make a video about you guys and make it the background music.

"jerusalem, if i forget you...fire not gon' come from my tongue..."

Unknown said...

Wow...exciting Leah. I'd love to hear more. Looking forward to reading the new blog. I think of you often my friend though I fail to reconnect very often.
