People talk a lot about family and in-laws and the holidays and how much they like or hate or detest or savor or how awkward family events are in their family or their spouses. So, I decided to fill everyone in on one particular holiday in the life of the Blake family. This is how on July 4th, 2005, Michael, DeAnn, Jason, Shannon, Landon, Kelly Grace, Paul, Harrison, Tom, Leah (& Baby Blake), Susan, Eric, Yuma, and Peaches celebrated our nation's birth.
In the spirit of the game and our nation's 229th birthday (Happy Birthday 'Merica), I present to you "The Blake Olympics" (insert Olympic music here). Coming to you from the brilliant mind of Shannon Blake, the Blake family decided to participate in a friendly family competition on Independence Day.
The events included watermelon seed spitting, washer throwing, blow dart (suction cup of course) accuracy, around the world one paddle ping pong, root beer taste testing, blue berry finding with your mouth only (inside of whipped cream), and saltine cracker eating and whistle blowing. A very "eventful" day to say the least.
It required the creativity and genius of the entire family to craft the competition in such a smooth manner. Paul's fantasy league experience as a commissioner allowed him to create the intricate point system necessary for such a large and complicated competition. Shannon's creativity and delegation ultimately lead to carefully planned events throughout the Olympics.
From the opening ceremony (seriously, we had an opening ceremony and for some reason we all said the pledge of allegiance to the flag????) to the closing ceremony (seriously, we had a closing ceremony), the competition was beautiful.
The 6 or so hour competition was fierce and hectic (especially when you throw in kids, dogs, dinner, and Harrison not feeling well). (As a side note, Peaches was not happy about us leaving her inside during the watermelon seed spitting event and decided to show her frustration by peeing all over the couch). In the end, we all shook hands and hopefully still love each other. The winner of the Olympics will remain anonymous (but I would love to take your comments on this blog as to who won and why).
So, as you can see, no matter how strange or boring or crazy or great or non-existent your family is, at least you didn't have to participate in "The Blake Olympics".