
1:42 am
cassidy is crying.
and crying. and then stopping. and then crying.
tonight is the first night, sans pac, that she's woken up in the middle of the night. so she's crying.

2:1o am
i go in and rub her back, try to "shhh" her back to sleep. i leave the room, her cries echoing in the hallway.

2:11 am
still crying. then stopping. then crying some more.

2:50 am
she's having it all out now. one last wail...

2:53 am

3:03 am
still quiet. i get in bed, the dishwasher is unloaded and the kitchen is clean.

3:15 am
lots of thoughts racing in my head and i decide to get up and turn on the computer.

3:35 am
write some e-mails, blog, stomach is starting to growl. all i want is to be sound asleep.
like tom.
like wyatt.
like cassidy.


jdmartin said...

I'm praying for a naptime for you today.

Susan said...

Perhaps one of the greatest things about being an aunt is that when we start having kids, I'll have realistic expectations of motherhood - the joys, the pain, the sleepless nights, the giggles . . .