
i'm trying to pacify those who want just a little something. i don't want to disappoint you and then lose my readership. it's cool here, about 70' or so and for the mountains that's warm. but still glorious. we've been out on the playground and kicking the ball and eating. wyatt is learning a lot of words, and figuring out how to open and close sliding doors and especially how to share.

it's an adventure when the three franz girls get together. rachel got here today and we're waiting for the crazy to officially start. saturday night we played hearts and it got a little out of control, ending with my parents rolling their eyes, sarah laughing hysterically and me laying on the floor trying to imitate michael scott dancing on the booze cruise. i guess you had to be there.

i'll post some pictures for you all soon, if there are any post-worthy ones. on a side note, as food is a hot topic, i made gnocchi for the family last night and it was a wonderful success. dad was especially impressed and said he's going to give it a try himself. try out the gnoocchi recipe i told you about. you won't be disappointed. just make sure you make the gnocchi bake like susan does, otherwise it's a little boring.


Susan said...

I decided to check your blog on a whim, and imagine my delight when I found a new post! I skipped back to the kitchen to fetch my sandwich, because we both know that there's nothing better than reading AND eating. So thanks for the lunchtime bonus.

cass said...

since you guys dont watch much tv... it is my duty to inform you there is a new western coming out called 3:10 to Yuma