
...On the fifteenth day of this seventh month is the Festival of Sukkot, seven days for the L-RD. -Leviticus 23:34

here are some cute pictures of the kiddos in the sukkah, aka tent. we celebrated sukkot, that is until the threat of hail came on sunday and we took the tent down. but we celebrated in our own gentile way. the kids enjoyed it.

i like to think this is their early start to modeling. cass certainly has the pouty look down. and wyatt's just a dreamer with long locks.

here's an awesome and important feature of the sukkah. you have to be able to see through the top in case Messiah comes. and tadah, we have a built-in see-through roof. it made for some wonderful time of reading and eating strawberries, not to mention the glorious weather.


Susan said...

I did manage to make it out to the sukkah before it's premature closing, and I have to admit it was a great place to enjoy my shake.

And huge props to you, Leah, for the blogging. I thought I was doing well with two blogs in a day. That shows me.

Tom and Leah said...

we were glad you came to visit, as always, aunt susan.

i don't know what got into me last night. i know i've missed some stuff, and even this morning more has occurred that's blog-worthy. just wanted to keep my readership happy.

Susan said...

I meant "its" not "it's". Pull it together, Susan.