
wow, nothing like a landslide. congratulations are in order. first to cassie for the great name, and second to massen who now has her very own blog name: (i would give you a link to click on but this doggone blogger takes my link and only types "a", see the link below that doesn't work) the blog is actually up and running! hopefully we'll get some awesome insight into the life of our beloved typing hero, angela maasen (every time i hear her name i think of tony danza). i'm stoked, and apparently you are too! check it out!


yeah, that's the "link" you're supposed to be able to click on. what happened to my posting skills? cut and paste:


Susan said...

I just visited the new maasenyourface. Definitely worth the cut and past adventure.

Maasen said...

there are worse things that you could think of when you hear my name what about Murder She Wrote?? Angela Landsbury :)

Tom and Leah said...

i'm sorry, i just can't get tony danza out of my head! i'm glad you go by maasen.