
New Addition

Jessica's new photo project has inspired me to take more pictures, too. I am not promising pictures every day, but I'm going to try. I like the idea of having photographs that document life, so I plan on keeping them in a folder where they're labeled with the date. I might move it over to the main section, that has yet to be determined. In the meantime, go check out Jessica's blog.


justjess said...

YAY! I'm so excited you're joining me. And not to mention I always feel loved when I make it onto someone else's blog. So THANKS. I can't wait to see all the fun things you capture. And, I love, love, love the new layout, so feminine and serene. Beautiful.

Tom and Leah said...

I love seeing that photo of your little face poking out of your hood, Jess. Makes me laugh inside every time I see it.

Anonymous said...

I just checked out Jessicas blog! such a cool idea and not very hard for us picture people! Love the idea of one week per collage!
I totally want to start a blog too, just have to figure this whole thing out!

P.S. Brenden is sitting on my lap and he saw the pic of jess and said "funny!" =)